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    In  On 12 August 2017

    There are various ways in which stress affects our body: Gain weight Digestive inefficience Headaches Trigger asthma attacks Heart ache (literally) Accelerate skin ageing Trigger hair loss HOW DO WE DE-STRESS ? We can%u2019t completely eliminate stress from our life but we can control how much it affects us. Learn to relax - Relaxation techniques like Yoga, Meditation, Reiki can reduce everyday stress levels and boost feelings of joy and serenity. They also increase our ability to stay calm under pressure. Eat a healthy diet %u2013 The food we eat can affect our mood and our ability to cope with stress. Eating a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, high-quality protein and omega-3 fatty acids, can help us better cope with life%u2019s ups and downs.  Get enough rest %u2013 Improve the quality of sleep and maintain regular sleep cycles so that we feel less stressed and more productive and emotionally balanced.  Exercise %u2013 Increasing our activity level helps relieve stress and makes us feel better. Rhythmic exercises such as walking, running, swimming, and dancing are particularly effective, when done mindfully. Socialize - Talking to someone in person can trigger hormones that relieve stress when we are feeling agitated or insecure. Spending time with people who make us feel good can be rejuvenating.      

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Urvi Shah

Best Nutritionist, Chennai, India 

We aim at holistic health and overall wellness through nutritional correction and lifestyle modification with comprehensive individual assessment, offering long-term sustainable results aiming at creating balance. Health is defined as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity*. Also, according to Yoga, a human being is not just the body but an entity comprising a body, mind, intellect, spirit and all of them are interlinked influencing one another. We believe every individual is unique having specific lifestyle pattern and health condition. Hence a typical consultation will lead to a Systematic Comprehensive Customized Lifestyle Plan, guiding the what/when/how of food water sunlight breathing and exercise rest and relaxation We also conduct workshops/seminars on Nutrition, Health & Wellness. P.S - We do not recommend any Brand, Product, Pills, MRP’s (Meal Replacement Powders), Gadgets, Crash Diet or Starvation. We neither believe in fads nor make any unsubstantiated claims! *as per WHO          


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