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NO Fads, NO Brands, NO Products, NO Pills, NO MRPs (Meal Replacement Powders), NO Crash Diets, NO Starvations, NO Gadgets & NO Unsubstanciated Claims ! Only GUIDANCE & ADVICE

You may opt for a 1 time Consultation or you can sign up for a Quartely / Half-yearly or Yearly package depending on your Goal. You may opt for my services for any one or more of the following reasons - 

We offer NUTRITION SUPPORT for the following -
General Wellness / Health & Fitness / Lifestyle Modification / Lifestyle Disorders / Weight Loss / Weight Gain / Obesity / Thyroid Imbalance / Diabetes Mellitus / Blood Pressure / Cardio-Vascular Health / Cholesterol / Acidity / Ulcer / Kidney Stones


Work-out Diet /  Weight-loss Diet / Muscle-gain Diet / Yogic Diet / Detox Diet / Therapeutic Diets 

FAMILY DIETS offered -

Nutrition for Children / Nutrition for Working Men & Women / Family Nutrition Counseling


Seminars / Presentations / Workshops / Awareness Programs

Its not going to be a short term diet. It's a long term Lifestyle Change.



Pricing Plans:


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Urvi Shah
Ms. Urvi Shah
Best Nutritionist, Chennai Register Now!
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